"Learning Pioneers has been one of my biggest positives personally and professionally this year."

Personal and professional growth go hand-in-hand - as you build one, you build the other; ignore one and it will always be slowing down the other. Business leaders, coaches, philosophers all point towards the same knowledge - Work on yourself and everything around you changes.

That’s exactly why we set up the “webinars” space in Learning Pioneers - to amplify your personal and professional growth in tandem with low time investment and high impact.

How do webinars work?

“Live” webinars run once every six weeks. This gives you plenty of time to reflect on, refer back to and embed the ideas from each webinar. It also allows you time to engage with and make links to the webinar content already available.

Each year, we choose a new focus for our series of webinars - in 2023, we combined knowledge from business leaders, personal growth experts and philosophers to amplify our personal growth; exploring powerful habit building, setting clear boundaries and developing next level communication skills - Imagine your life with all of these in place - not a second of time lost, no longer saying “yes” to requests you really wanted to say “no” to; energised, focused and, happy.

This year, we are focusing on pulling together all of our learning from Learning Pioneers thought leaders so far (that’s a lot of learning!) and connecting this learning with each of the Design Principles in the Learning Power Approach.

We vary times of webinars to include all time zones. Don’t worry if you can’t make the “live” webinar; they’re all recorded and are immediately available as soon as you sign in to our community.

Sign me up for the webinars!

Who is this for?

Leaders and teachers who:

  • Struggle to safeguard their time and want strategies to be able to focus on what matters
  • Want to understand working relationships better and would benefit from language and strategies to communicate clearly and effectively with parents, leaders and colleagues
  • Find it hard to find time to read about self-growth and would benefit from a lot of knowledge being distilled into a short webinar
  • Would love to invest in coaching and self-growth but current don’t have the funds, time or energy to do this
  • Are interested in gaining a deeper and connected understanding of the LPA Design Principles
  • Care about those around them and want to be the best teacher, family member, friend, human they can be

How can you use it?

Leaders and teachers who:

  • These short webinars pack a punch! Take notes, implement just 1-3 ideas from each webinar and you will see you personal and professional life grow incrementally
  • Share ideas with a colleague and/or with your team. Use this as a way of deepening understanding and building in accountability
  • Share thinking and feed back ideas in the comments of each webinar in our community. This way you will gain coaching, encouragement and feedback and build connections with practitioners across the globe.

Webinars 2024

Webinar 1

Introduction to the LPA

Recording in community

This introductory webinar revisits the three main frameworks of the LPA so you are clear on what you are working from. You will have the opportunity to reflect on strengths and next steps in your practice and learn from new examples bringing the frameworks to life.

Webinar 2

Design Principle 1
Making the Classroom a Safe and Interesting Place to Learn

Recording in community

This introductory webinar revisits the three main frameworks of the LPA so you are clear on what you are working from. You will have the opportunity to reflect on strengths and next steps in your practice and learn from new examples bringing the frameworks to life.

Webinar 3

Design Principle 2
Setting up the Learning Environment with Learning in Mind

Date: 7.30am GMT Thursday 25th of January

Expanding from the ideas in “Powering up Children” and “Powering up Students”, we will explore how to set up your classroom environment to amplify learning and align with your values and ethos. We will draw on learning from our inquiry into “Habitats for Learning” with Kath Murdoch and Anne van Dam. You will leave with inspiration and a plan to set up your LPA classroom.

Webinar 4

Design Principle 3
Learnish - The Language of Learning

Date: March 2024. Date and time to be voted for in Learning Pioneers community

How can we move from a surface level language for learning to deep, embedded fluency? In this webinar we will explore new Learnish we have developed over the years in Learning Pioneers and the use and application of Thinking Routines for powerful, nuanced discussions in your classrooms and staff meetings.

Webinar 5

Design Principle 4
Collaboration and Conversation

Date: May 2024

Collaboration and conversation are both highly impactful Design Principles for current learning in classrooms and the future our students will face. Applying John Hattie’s meta-research, learning from our inquiry into what education might look like in 2030 with Yong Zhao and Valerie Hannon and learning from our community, we will dive more deeply into this Design Principle.

Webinar 6

Design Principle 5
Making Learning Challenging and Adjustable

Date: July 2024

The key to challenging learning is to guide children to relish challenge and seek it out. This is no mean feat! In this webinar we will explore how to adjust every aspect of learning so that children are hungry for challenge and able to persevere when the going gets tough.

Webinar 7

Design Principle 6
Independence and Responsibility

Date: September 2024

A classroom of independent, self-driven learners results in flow, better problem-solving skills and a more connected classroom. But how do we set that up and keep the momentum of that ethos going? What are we unwittingly putting place that is preventing this independence? In this webinar, we will dive deeper into how to curate a classroom of independent learners.

Webinar 8

Design Principle 7
Reflection, Improvement and Craftsmanship

Date: November 2024

Pulling together learning from James Nottingham, Trevor MacKenzie and Ron Berger from our “live” events and inquiries, we will explore how to give and receive effective feedback and develop beautiful work over time.

Webinar 9

Reflection/pulling everything together

Date: December 2024

Webinars 2023

Our 2023 webinars focused on amplifying our personal growth. Learning from business leaders, world-renowned personal growth specialists and philosophers, we pulled together thinking in these key areas:

Habit building

Habit-building is the foundation of reaching our dreams and goals; they are also the foundation of wellness - through building habits that are conducive to staying well (such as buying and eatiny healthy nutritious meals and prioritising exercise), we build our resilience and are much less likely to get sick. Without strong habits, our energy and time leak away and we find ourselves struggling to use our time effectively, reach our goals and stay well. Nip time wastage in the bud with this 40-minute webinar packed with key ways to build and break habits.


Do you find yourself saying “yes” to requests at work, when you really should have said “no”? I our stretched educational systems, we often find ourselves stretched to the limit and beyond and requests are still made of us. What if it didn’t have to be this way? What if we could set clear boundaries with love, without letting our colleagues or ourselves down in the process? That is what this 40-minute webinar is about …

Next level communication skills

Have you ever been in the situation when you think you’ve conveyed a clear message but something completely different to what you had imagined happens as a result? Or you’re in a challenging meeting with a parent, colleague, team member and the well-intentioned conversation ends up with people’s backs up? Taking inspiration from our team coach, James Aidoo and seminal texts like “Non-violent communication”, this webinar explores how to convey messages clearly, how to better develop listening skills and how to check in with others with empathy.


No matter where we are in life and what we are achieving, fear often gets a grip and holds us back from taking that step which will have a positive impact on our growth and those around us. Here’s the kicker - fear is never going to go away - but our ability to recognise it for what it is when it rears its ugly head and to have strategies to move through and past it will enable us to step through our fears and into our growth.

In just 3 hours of packed in wisdom, you will have a plethora of strategies and the motivation to stay energised, focused and well! Now, if that’s not well-spent time, I don’t know what is!

PLUS, by signing up today, you will gain access to all of our “dipping your toes in content”, including Campfire meet ups with colleagues across the globe and opportunities to share and learn from the practice of others. What are you waiting for?! Dive in and join us!

Who’s your host?

Becky Carlzon is a leader in developing the Learning Power Approach and embedding its frameworks deep into the DNA of schools and classrooms. Through listening, coaching and personal insight, Becky supports, challenges and invites educators to step into their ultimate growth. Becky’s perspective from working in schools across the globe, developing relationships with lead educational thinkers and reading and coaching in business, enable her to bring a unique insight to our webinars and feedback and guidance within the Learning Pioneers community.

Video of Becky Carlzon introducing the Learning Pioneers website